A the 2012 Academy Awards approach, a new star is to appear on the red carpet as a gift to the major category nominees. Starlettos high heel protectors, which had their U.S. premiere at the 2011 Emmys?, this year become the cutest Australians to ever win a place at the Oscars?.“For a product to be selected for inclusion in the major category Oscars? nominees gift bags is a real honor” said Starlettos Founder,toms sale Ilde Naismith-Beeley. “That our Starlettos were chosen following their successful inclusion in the gift baskets for the major Emmy? nominees last year, makes it doubly gratifying.”
The Oscars? nominees who are to receive Starlettos include Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady), Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs), Viola Davies (The Help), Michelle Williams (My Week With Marilyn) and Rooney Mara (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo).It has been just 4 years since the Starlettos high heel protectors were first designed,cheap toms so for them to now be in the hands of major Hollywood stars, Ilde believes, is testament to their design and functionality. Starlettos are shaped like a small flower and cup the bottom of high-heels and stilettos. Not only do they help heels to grip the floor and increase stability, but when the occasion arises, they stop heels sinking into lawns by increasing the size of the flat surface in contact with the ground.
“Starlettos have a designer look that sets them apart from cumbersome and unattractive high heel protectors, and they come in a variety of colors.” said Ilde. “The discreet and popular clear Starlettos are almost invisible, and because they do not compete with the high fashion gowns at the Oscars?, its not surprising that they will star on the afternoon of the Academy Awards, and long into the night.”discount toms Starlettos are available for purchase now online and are soon to be launched for retail sale in the U.S. Stockists enquiries are welcome at .auAbout Starlettos Australian-owned, Australian-designed, globally-loved: and soon to arrive in the USAStarlettos are high heel protectors with a focus on design. They are easily slipped on and off stilettos and high heels to prevent them from sinking into grass at high-fashion outdoor events. With the added benefit of a non-slip base they provide the wearer with red-carpet confidence.
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